August 10, 2012

Pictures of 2011 - Part I

Haven't posted here in so long. Here are some (or a lot of) pictures I took last year but didn't get the chance to upload.

The hamster we had for a week

Rain in Riyadh

The Red Sea

Rain in Jeddah

To be continued.


  1. Oooooh wow. Loving all of these. Your hamster looks a little scary, ruffled white with red eyes, but the third picture of it, I just love the focus.

    All sky pictures are amaaaazing mashAllah.
    I love the cloud pic that looks like two lions fighting.

    And the ain in Jeddah pic?? Too cool, what happened omg sci-fi

    1. Aww thank you, Saki! ^_^
      Our hamster was super cute! lol

      Two lions fighting? *looks through pics* oohhh yeaaa! haha I didn't notice that before!

      Yeah, you could see the clouds through the rain drops that settled on the car window, subhanAllah.


What do you think?